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Weeke Primary School

Irresistible learning at the heart of the community

Junior Road Safety Officers

The Junior Road Safety Officer Scheme promotes peer to peer education with pupils sharing our key road safety messages to the rest of their school - ensuring young people are aware of the dangers of the road from an early age. 


With 225 child casualties in Hampshire in 2016 and traffic being the biggest single cause of accidental death with 12–16-year-olds, it is crucial that children understand the importance of crossing the road safely, cycling safely, travelling safely in every vehicle and being seen to traffic (as a pedestrian and cyclist). 


In order to get our key messages across to the children in a fun and interactive way, we take part in the Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO) scheme, where two children from Year 6 are nominated to become JRSOs and teach their peers through assemblies and notice boards as well as other memorable ways! 


New JRSOs are invited to attend one of our fun and practical training days. The aim of the day is to provide them with both the knowledge and tools to return to school and teach their peers all about road safety and how to keep themselves safe on or near the roads.

Hampshire Road Safety & Transition News
