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  • Staff

    Staff - Our Well-being & Mental Health

    We are a fantastic team at Weeke Primary School. Leaders and governors take pride in ensuring staff feel supported and given opportunity to develop their own mental health strategies. We understand that roles in education are becoming more complex and the only successful way of having sustainable staffing is to work, communicate and build positive relationships.

    We currently have a 'Well-being' team comprising of two experienced teachers and a member of the senior leadership team. The Headteacher is also a trained mental health first aider. 

    As a school we offer a range of resources as well as outside agencies to support colleagues if and when our mental health becomes too much of a load. The most successful approach we have is to listen.

    What we offer staff?

    We offer a range of resources, guidance and support to the staff and fully understand the challenges around staff Well-being. We follow the school values and apply these to the staff through an open and transparent leadership and investing time in listening. 

    When sign posting we use recognised guidance and organisations to help support individuals. The links below are useful for further information and direction for staff if they need it.

    Wellbeing and resilience for staff in education settings | Education and learning | Hampshire County Council


    Mental health Map